Agenda item

Full Application - Extension to dwelling, garage modifications, solar pv, sewerage treatment and external alterations, 1 Rose Cottage, New Road, Hulme End, Fawfieldhead


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The following made a representation to the committee in accord with the Authority’s Public Participation Scheme:


·         Mr A Hassan, Objector

·         Mr Bohme, Applicant


The officer confirmed that as the property was not in a conservation area, the addition of solar panels was classed as permitted development. Putting them on the front roof of a property does not require planning permission, provided that they are sited to minimise visual impact as far as is practicable. Although the panels are shown on the application drawings, whether or not the proposed panels met the terms of the General Permitted Development Order would be determined separately.


The installation of the log burner and the ancillary use of the garage were also classed as either permitted development or are not development at all.


Members queried the need for condition 8, which the officer agreed could be removed because of the colour of the building in this case.


The amended recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    The development hereby permitted shall be begun within 3 years from the date of this permission.

2.    The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the amended plans titled ‘Proposed Plans and Site Layout’, drawing number ‘A.03, Rev. A2’, ‘Garage and Greenhouse Layout’, drawing number ‘A.04, Rev. 3’, ‘Proposed Elevations with Sections’, drawing number ‘A.05’, Rev. 3 and ‘Proposed Section Details’, drawing number ‘A.06, Rev. A.3’ received by the Authority on the 6th July 2017, subject to the following conditions:

3.    All timber work to the greenhouse and garage shall be finished in a dark recessive stain and permanently so maintained unless agreed in writing by the Authority

4.    The walls shall be rendered to a specification which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority

5.    The roof of the extension shall be clad with Staffordshire blue tiles to match the existing

6.    All new windows and doors should be constructed from timber

7.    All new window frames shall be recessed from the external face of the wall the same depth as the existing frames

8.    The roof lights shall be fitted flush with the roof slope



Supporting documents: