Agenda item

2017-18 Q2 Performance and Risk Management Report


Comments had been received by email from Member Penny Anderson and were considered during the discussion of this item.


The Head of Strategy & Performance introduced the report and highlighted the change to Appendix 1, a new version of which had been electronically circulated to Members prior to the meeting and paper copies tabled at the meeting.


Members discussed each Directional Shift and Cornerstone and sought clarification on some areas of the report including clarification on income figures, donations, which were down when compared to last year, and how legacies were recorded in the budget.  The Head of Finance explained that where applicable legacies are ring fenced in line with the wishes of the donor where a preference is specified.


Members considered the proportion of planning appeals allowed noting the percentage figure was higher than the target because of the low number of appeal decisions and that the Director of Conservation and Planning was closely monitoring the target but to date an analysis of the decisions had not given rise to any significant concerns about challenges to policy.


Members considered the high number of Enforcement Enquires per year which is increasing, no specific reason had been identified for the increase but it was noted that not all enquires result in an Enforcement Case.  A quarterly report is provided to Planning Committee for the purpose of monitoring enforcement performance.


The Officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.





To note the Quarter 2 Corporate Performance Return, set out in Appendix 1 and approve actions to address any issues identified.



To note the review of the Quarter 2 Corporate Risk Register given in Appendix 2 and accept the status of risks.



To note the status of Quarter 2 Complaints and Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations requests given in Appendix 3.



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