Agenda item

Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Guidance


The Head of Policy and Communities and the Conservation Officer joined the meeting for this item.  The report requested Members to endorse recently completed joint work by Historic England and Locus Consulting, supported by the National Park Authority, to provide a suite of reports and guidance detailing the significance of historic farmsteads in the Peak District.


An extra recommendation was added to the report to request that Members support the guidance as a material consideration on future planning applications.


In response to Members’ queries officers stated that the information was an evidence base and toolkit to help officers and applicants.  It was not being adopted as policy but was for guidance.


The recommendations set out in the report and the additional recommendation were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That Planning Committee:


1.    Endorses the suite of documents forming the Peak District Historic Farmsteads Guidance


2.    Supports the future development of the Peak District Farmstead Assessment Framework as a Supplementary Planning Document


3.    Supports the use of the guidance in contributing to current work on redefining the National Park’s special qualities.


4.    Supports the use of the guidance as a material consideration on future planning applications.



Supporting documents: