Agenda item

External Audit - 2017/18 Audit Plan (DH)


John Cornett, Director, and Katie Scott, Manager, from KPMG external auditors were present at the meeting to present the 2017/18 External Audit Plan. 


John Cornett introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the summary of the report regarding two significant risks relating to valuation of property, plant and equipment and pension liabilities.  The summary also referred to financial statements, materiality and value for money arrangements.  It was noted that KPMG would perform the audit relating to the 2017/18 financial year and  then new auditors, Mazars LLP will be taking over.


10.07 Cllr Gill Heath joined the meeting.

10.08 Cllr Tony Favell joined the meeting.


Officers confirmed that initial contact had been made with the new auditors.  The Director of Corporate Strategy and Development and the Chair both thanked KPMG for the great service the Authority had received from them.


The report recommendation was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




The 2017/18 External Audit Plan was considered and acknowledged.


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