Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest


Item 6


Mr Z Hamid had received lobbying correspondence.


Mr J Berresford declared he had received correspondence from Ms S Cooksey.


Cllr A McCloy declared a personal interest as he was a member of the Ramblers Association.


Cllr Mrs G Heath declared a personal interest as the route was within Wetton Parish which was within her Staffordshire County Council division.  Cllr Mrs Heath had attended Parish Council meetings and also arranged a meeting between The Access and Rights of Way Officer and a representative of Staffordshire County Council Highways, this had involved a walk of the route.


Cllr B Lewis declared a personal interest as a member of Derbyshire County Council


Mrs P Anderson declared a personal interest as a member of the National Trust.


Cllr T Favell and Cllr D Chapman declared a personal interest as they knew one of the speakers on the item Mr Sebire



Item 7


Mr Z Hamid had received lobbying correspondence.


Mr J Berresford and Cllr A McCloy reported receipt of correspondence from Anne Robinson, Friends of the Peak District.


Mr J Berresford, Cllr D Chapman and Cllr C Furness reported receipt of correspondence from Mr John Youatt.



Item 8


Cllr D Chapman declared a personal interest as Chair of the Moors for the Future Partnership.


Mrs P Anderson declared a personal interest as Deputy Chair of the Moors for the Future Partnership.


Cllr R Walker declared a personal interest as Chair of Upper Colne and Holme Natural Flood Management Project, which had links with the Moors for the Future project.



Item 9


Cllr D Chapman declared a personal interest as Chair of the Moors for the Future Partnership.


Mrs P Anderson declared a personal interest as Deputy Chair of the Moors for the Future Partnership.


Cllr R Walker declared a personal interest as Chair of Upper Colne and Holme Natural Flood Management Project, which had links with the Moors for the Future project.