Agenda item

Internal Audit Report Block 2, 2017/18 (A1362/7/PN)


Ian Morton, Audit Manager, Veritau Internal Auditors was present at the meeting and introduced the report.


These were the concluding reports for 2017/18.  The Creditors Report had been conducted differently as analysis of all creditor payments for the year had been carried out rather than a sample.  Nothing had been found that required reporting which was very unusual and very good.


In the Income and Debtors & Creditors reports the overall audit opinion was rated at a High Assurance and the Chair congratulated Officers for achieving this standard.


The Audit Manager explained that the Information & Asset Security Compliance Check is an audit that is carried out in many organisations and the overall standard is universally poor.   Members of the Audit Team had surveyed Aldern House at the end of the working day and the report is based on their findings. They concluded that the procedures and policies in place were good and passed onto Officers but were not necessarily being followed and the message regarding these procedures needed to be reinforced as often as possible.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the internal audit reports for the five areas covered under Block 2 of 2017/18 be received (in Appendices 1 – 5) and the agreed actions were considered.


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