Agenda item

Dismissal of Certain Officers (TR)


Members considered the report which requested approval of the arrangements in place to deal with allegations regarding the conduct and behaviour of Chief Officers as defined in Part 5 of Standing Orders.


The recommendations, with the addition of an extra recommendation regarding delegation of minor amendments to the Head of Human Resources in consultation with the Chair, were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    To adopt the Disciplinary Procedure and Guidance for the Chief Executive, Statutory Officers and Non-Statutory Chief Officers as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.


2.    To establish an Investigating and Disciplinary Committee comprising of six Members with the terms of reference set out in paragraph 14 of the report.


3.    To appoint 6 Members to the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee (3 Local Authority and 3 Secretary of State Members).


4.    To amend the Terms of Reference of the Appeals Panel as set out in paragraph 17 of the report.


5.    To establish an Independent Panel comprising of the Authority’s two Independent Persons appointed in accordance with provisions within the Localism Act 2011 with the terms of reference set out in paragraph 20 of the report.


6.    To add the following paragraph to the Emergency Delegation in paragraph 7.A-3 of Part 7 of Standing Orders as set out in paragraph 26 of the report. 


7.    To amend Standing Order 1.17 in Part 1 of Standing Orders as set out in

paragraph 31 of the report. 


8.    To amend paragraph 5.6 of Part 5 of Standing Orders as set out in 

paragraph 34 of the report.


9.    To delegate minor amendments to the Disciplinary Procedure and Guidance to the Head of Human Resources in consultation with the Chair of the Authority.



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