Issue - decisions

Listed Building Consent Application - Works to facilitate the conversion of the existing first floor flat to 3 letting bedrooms at The Eyre Arms, Hassop (NP/DDD/1119/1227, MN)

23/04/2020 - Listed Building Consent Application - Works to facilitate the conversion of the existing first floor flat to 3 letting bedrooms at The Eyre Arms, Hassop

Reason for Urgency:  This development was business critical for the applicant or risks a non-determination appeal for the Authority.


The listed building application and the planning application were considered together.


With regard to the parking concerns raised by the Parish Council it was noted that any occupants of the proposed accommodation would be customers of the pub so were not increasing the use of the pub and the development would help to keep the pub viable.


The following persons had submitted comments on the report:


·         Linda Trollope, Applicant

·         Mr K Smith, Authority Member


The comments made were considered and discussed.  It was agreed to clarify the wording of the conditions relating to archaeology requirements.  Reference to cabling would be added to condition 5.


It was noted that the development would remain ancillary to the pub; the optimum use of the accommodation would be for a manager but this was not viable for the current owner and the use for visitors would bring additional income to the business and help the public house use to be sustained.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    The development hereby permitted shall be begun within 3 years from the date of this permission

2.    The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the amended plans and the following conditions and amendments.

3.    Prior to the boxing in or covering of the fireplace in bedroom 2 a full photographic record of the fireplace shall be made and submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority. Thereafter the boxing in or other works associated with the development shall not damage, be attached to or touch the fireplace, including the hearth. 

4.    Notwithstanding the approved plans the door head on the first floor landing shall not be lifted.

5.    Prior to the installation of any piping, cabling or ventilation full details of routing and how harm impacts on historic fabric will be minimised shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority. Thereafter the works shall be carried out only as approved.

6.    Prior to the removal or replacement of any ground floor doors a full photographic record of the doors to be replaced shall be made and submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority. Thereafter the works shall be carried out only as approved.

7.    Prior to the replacement of any ground floor doors scaled elevation and section plans showing the proposed design (including door furniture and hinges) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority. Thereafter the works shall be carried out only as approved.

8.    Tiles within the gent’s toilets shall be retained, except where the new external door requires their removal. 

9.    Prior to any works to the ground floor gents toilet or lobby area being undertaken full details of these works (including details of the proposed toilet door, doorway, fixing method for the stud walls, and of how the historic tiles will be retained and protected) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority.

10.  Prior to the creation of the new external doorway details of the proposed door, door furniture, and how the area is to be made good, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority. Thereafter the works shall be carried out only as approved.

11.  The stud walls associated with the provision of the ensuite bathroom in bedroom 2 shall be attached to the existing walls, ceiling and floor so they can be removed at a later date if required.  Prior to the commencement of these works details of how the walls will be constructed (including details of door frames and skirting) and affixed to existing walls and ceiling shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority.  Thereafter the works shall be carried out only as approved. 

12.  Prior to its installation details of the boiler flue installation, including its exact location on the external wall, the external appearance of the vent and the proposed mortar mix for sealing the vent shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Authority. Thereafter the works shall be carried out only as approved.

13.  Any investigative works affecting historic fabric that have been undertaken as part of the Heritage Statement shall be restored to their former condition prior to the occupation of the approved accommodation.

14.  Prior to the replacement of the first floor doors details of the proposed door furniture shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority.