Issue - decisions

17. Planning Committee Report 170415 - Inspector for Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan.JRS

07/05/2015 - Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan Examination

Members considered the report requesting them to agree actions necessary to undertake the Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan examination, including to support the preferred choice of independent examiner.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.    Members support the officer recommendation at paragraph 9 of the report that the preferred choice of Inspector to conduct the examination into Bradwell Neighbourhood Plan is Nigel McGurk;

2.    Delegated authority is granted to the Director of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee to agree any changes to this decision if necessary.

3.      Delegated authority is granted to the Director of Planning to undertake arrangements appropriate to the holding of the examination.