Issue - decisions

1. 0715-0654_Affordable dwelling at Back Lane Hathersage

30/09/2015 - Full Application - The Erection of an Affordable Dwelling on Land Adjacent to Rowan Lea, Back Lane, Hathersage

The Director of Planning, John Scott, reported that he would be leading on this item as John Keeley lived close to the application site and knew one of the public speakers. During the introduction John Scott suggested that the impact on access to the site had been identified as a further reason for refusal.


The following spoke under the Authority’s Public Participation Scheme:


·         Mrs Jean Hodgkinson, Hathersage Parish Council, supporter

·         Mr Ken Lockwood, Agent


A motion to approve the application subject to a section 106 agreement and conditions was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried. In moving the motion it was suggested that the proposal to depart from the Officer recommendation was appropriate because the site was suitable for affordable local needs housing and this applicant’s need should be met in Hathersage rather than an adjacent village proposed development, it therefore did not conflict with the interests of the National Park and accorded with policy HC1.




To APPROVE the application subject to prior entry into a S106 legal agreement to restrict occupancy of the dwelling in accordance with Authority policy on affordable local needs dwellings, and subject to the following planning conditions:


1.         Submission and approval of amended plans setting out detailed designs for the dwelling including energy efficiency measures.


2.         Withdraw permitted development rights to prevent further extensions


3.         Submission and approval of amended landscaping plans plotting existing and replacement hedges and demonstrating whether the hedge to Ash Meadow needs trimming back or removing to meet highway visibility splay limits across the full frontage and securing a similar hedge to contain the lane and maintain its valued character and appearance.