Issue - decisions

5. S73 Heath Barn

30/09/2015 - Section 73 - Application for the removal of condition 11 from application NP/SM/0698/070 and replace with a local housing condition at Heath Barn, Calton

It was noted that while she did not have a personal interest in this item, the property had been in the ownership of the family of Cllr Mrs N Hawkins from 1796 to 1943.


The following spoke under the Authority’s Public Participation Scheme:


·         Mr Tyers, Applicant.


The officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to prior entry into a legal agreement under s.106 of the 1990 Act naming the intended first occupant, containing local occupancy restrictions, and retaining the house as an affordable home in perpetuity and subject to the following planning conditions:


1.         The stone outbuilding adjacent to Heath Barn shall be retained for the garaging of domestic vehicles and for the storage of domestic items and shall not be used for any other purpose at any time during the lifetime of the development hereby permitted.


2.         Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order) no alterations to the external appearance of the dwelling shall be carried out and no extensions, porches, or ancillary buildings other than the timber shed shown on the approved plans, shall be erected on the site without the National Park Authority's prior written consent.