Issue - decisions

6. FULL Ice Creams and Dreams

30/09/2015 - Full Application - Change of Use From Toy Shop (A1) to Ice Cream Parlour (A3), Ice Creams & Dreams, Matlock Street, Bakewell

It was noted that although Mr Hilary Young had registered to speak on the following three applications relating to this site on the day he had been unable to attend.


The officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried subject to condition 2 being amended to delete the words “prepared on the premises”




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions / modifications:


1.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the following approved plans: Drawing No. 89215/01 Revision A.


2.         The development hereby permitted shall not place other than on the ground floor of the premises and sales of food and drink from the premises shall be limited to ice creams, sundaes, cookies, cakes, non-alcoholic drinks or similar light refreshments.


3.         No deliveries, loading, unloading or other servicing activities shall take place at the premises other than between the hours of 08.00 - 18.00 hours Monday - Friday; 09-00 - 13.00 hours on Saturday; and at no times on Sundays or Bank Holidays.