Issue - decisions

National Park Management Plan Annual Report

26/01/2016 - National Park Management Plan - Report From Advisory Group (AN)

The Authority considered a report presenting findings from the National Park Management Plan Advisory Group based on performance from Spring 2014 to Spring 2015. The Deputy Chair of the Advisory Group, Sue Quinlan, attended and introduced the report in the absence of Dianne Jeffrey, the Chair of the Advisory Group.


Sue introduced the report by highlighting two key achievements against each of the 5 plan signatures. It was noted that 108 Actions were on track or completed in 2014/15 with 34 actions behind schedule, late in starting or reprioritised. It was also noted that action 40a had been cancelled as it was no longer believed that lobbying was the best tool to progress the affordable housing element of the Community Led Planning Signature.


The report also identified the timetable for reviewing the current plan in anticipation of public consultation on an updated plan early in 2017.


During discussions Members received an additional update on action 20f relating to Birds of Prey and action 25a on Warslow Moors.


Members asked Sue to pass on their thanks to the partners and those on the NPMP Advisory Group for their hard work and commitment and noted that any individual observations could be forwarded to Rachel Gillis, Assistant Director Policy and Partnerships for consideration




1.         To receive the summary report of performance made on the NPMP from Spring 2014 to Spring 2015 as set out in Appendix A and note the progress and actions to address under-performance.


2.         To approve the recommended NPMP delivery plans to March 2017 as set out in Appendix B.


3.         To note the proposed outline schedule for the review of the NPMP in 2016 as set out in Appendix C.