Issue - decisions

Corporate Strategy

26/01/2016 - Corporate Strategy 2016-19 (RG)

The Chief Executive, Sarah Fowler, introduced a report asking the Authority to approve the 2016-19 Corporate Strategy. It was noted that the draft Strategy had been developed following a series of workshops and discussions involving Authority Members and staff.


Members were also asked to consider an additional recommendation authorising the Chief Executive to make minor corrections following consultation with the Authority’s Chair and Deputy Chair. During the discussion a number of Members made suggestions on minor amendments. It was agreed that these would be noted and incorporated into the final document where appropriate.




1.         To approve the Corporate Strategy 2016-19, as set out in Appendix I; including  the change in order of Shifts and Cornerstones and making a slight amendment to the wording for the new Shift 1


2.         To authorise the Chief Executive to make minor corrections to the Strategy following consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority.


3.         To note the table in Appendix II which demonstrated how the consultation comments from the Member workshop on 23 October had been reflected in the proposed Corporate Strategy, and would continue to be used in service planning.


4.         To note that as the detailed Performance and Business Plan was developed there may be further refinements to the detailed activities and measures set out in Appendix I and any necessary changes would be reflected in the final Performance and Business Plan.