Issue - decisions

Retrospective Planning Application for Retention of two wire saws (and associated lighting columns) and retrospective change of use of land for the importation of blockstone for processing at Stoke Hall Quarry, New Road, Grindleford (NP/DDD/0515/0437

29/09/2017 - Retrospective Planning Application: For retention of two wire saws (and associated lighting columns) and retrospective change of use of land for the importation of blockstone for processing at Stoke Hall Quarry, New Road, Grindleford

Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Minerals Planning Officer confirmed receipt of additional representations regarding concerns about the Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) activity and recent conflicts between other road users and HGV drivers.  A petition with 179 signatures had been received following completion of the report.


The application was the result of discussions with the applicant who had agreed to bring forward the restoration of Phase 1 of the works including starting to plant trees before the end of 2017.  The application also proposes daily and weekly caps on all movement of HGVs both to and from the site. The Environmental Health Officer had no objections to the application, and the Highways Authority advised that an objection on highway safety grounds was not sustainable.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:

  • Mr Andy Bowman, Objector
  • Mr Howard Griffith, Objector.  Mr Griffith also read out a statement by Mrs Julie Kidd, Objector who was unable to attend the meeting.
  • Mrs Jennifer Ann Willis, on behalf of objectors


Members felt there was insufficient information about vehicle movements and the highway safety issues before them  to make a decision on the application at this time and a motion to defer the application was moved and seconded.


Members expressed difficulties assessing the effect on HGV movements and requested that a representative from the Highways Authority be present at a future discussion of the item at committee to provide clarification on the concerns raised by objectors. 


Members also requested greater clarification on the effect of any lawfulness of the importation of stone into the quarry as there seemed to be uncertainty regarding the evidence relating to when importation had started.


Members requested the opportunity to view a video of incidents involving vehicles from the site and also that the video be passed to the Highways Authority.  Members also requested a requirement for a traffic plan be added to the application.


Clarification of the following should be presented to the next discussion on the application:

·         Details of HGV movements

·         Direction of travel of HGVs accessing and leaving the site

·         Lawfulness of use

·         Actual HGV movements and increase in movements

·         Alternative sites.


The motion to defer the item was put to the vote and carried.




The application was DEFERRED to allow clarification on the traffic and highway safety issues and request Derbyshire County Council Highways Authority to attend the next committee at which this application is discussed.  Also, for further explanation on extent that the Highways Authority view would change in light of police involvement and effect of lawful use, if any.


The meeting was adjourned from 11.15 to 11.25 following consideration of this item