Issue - decisions

Full Planning Application - Erection of a steel frames building with a canopy and an external muck midden to be used for the housing of livestock along with the storage of straw and hay at Stanedge Grange, Newhaven (NP/DDD/0817/0880 P3218 416315 /

29/11/2017 - Full Application - Erection of a steel frames building with a canopy and an external muck midden to be used for the housing of livestock along with the storage of straw and hay at Stanedge Grange, Newhaven

It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning Officer amended the report at Page 47 stating that the information supplied referring to the applicant renting a further 235 acres was incorrect and should be deleted.


In response to Members’ queries the Director of Conservation and Planning stated that there was evidence that the applicant had spoken with the Authority’s Tree Conservation Officer but no further pre-application advice had been requested.


The recommendation for refusal was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reason:


1.    The proposed agricultural building and muck midden would be sited in an open setting, appearing isolated from the existing farm buildings whilst visible from long and short range vantage points, therefore creating a harmful impact upon the local landscape character and the wider scenic beauty of the National Park. Moreover, it is considered there is insufficient justification at this stage to demonstrate that the buildings are essential for the agricultural need and as such the benefits of the scheme would not outweigh the landscape harm that would arise from the development. The proposal is therefore contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP3, L1, Local Plan Policies LC4 and LC13, and the National Planning Policy Framework.