
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Authority’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

11/05/2018 - Listed Building Consent Application - Installation of w.c. facility in old boiler room, installation of kitchenette in school room and new domestic package treatment plant to be located in adjacent car park together with associated pipework. Reinst ref: 643    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 11/05/2018 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 06/06/2018

Effective from: 11/05/2018


This item was considered in conjunction with the related planning application, details of which are in Minute 58/18 above.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:



1.            3 year time limit


2.            In accordance with the submitted plan and schedule of works


3.            Detailed design of new window to be agreed


4.            New door to WC to match the existing


5.            Details of any structural works to the building to be agreed


6.            Position and design of soil vent pipe to be agreed


7.            Scheme of external lighting to be agreed




11/05/2018 - Full Application - Installation of w.c. facility in old boiler room, installation of kitchenette in school room and new domestic package treatment plant to be located in adjacent car park together with associated pipework. Reinstatement of window. ref: 642    APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation)

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 11/05/2018 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 06/06/2018

Effective from: 11/05/2018


The Chair advised that as Items 11 and 12 on the agenda were linked, they would be considered together.  (See also minute 59/18).


The Officer introduced the report on the application by the Peak District National Park Authority.


Members welcomed the application to restore the building for it to be used by the Church, Parish Council and others for community use.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.





To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1.    3 year time limit

2.    In accordance with the submitted plan and schedule of works

3.    Notwithstanding the submitted plans a package treatment plant as specified in the supporting documents shall be installed to deal with waste water from the site in place of the septic tank shown.

4.    Detailed design of new window to be agreed

5.    Position and design of soil vent pipe to be agreed

6.    Scheme of external lighting to be agreed





11/05/2018 - Full Application - Erection of a general purpose agricultural building - Land to the south of New Close Farm, Over Haddon ref: 640    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 11/05/2018 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 06/06/2018

Effective from: 11/05/2018


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and informed Members that a further letter of representation had been received from an objector since the report had been submitted, which he then went onto summarise.  The Officer also informed Members that a further plan had been submitted by the applicant with a proposed tree planting and landscaping scheme and that the applicant had also offered to make amendments to the design of the building.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:


·         Alice Morley - Supporter


A motion for approval contrary to the officer recommendation was moved and seconded.


The motion for approval and subject to conditions was put to the vote and carried.




To  APPROVE the application subject to conditions controlling the following:


1.The development hereby permitted shall be begun within 3 years from the date of this permission.


2. Implement tree planting and landscape scheme including the redistribution of the bund.


3.  Existing barn to be partially remodelled, and new building to match





The meeting was adjourned at 11:25am for a short break and reconvened at 11.35am




11/05/2018 - Full Application - Proposed open general purpose agricultural building to house livestock and store fodder and implements at Mayfield Farm, Litton Slack. ref: 641    DEFERRED (For further information)

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 11/05/2018 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 06/06/2018

Effective from: 11/05/2018


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


A motion for approval was moved and seconded but not carried.


Members felt that this item needed further consideration and that alternative sites should be considered which would have a lesser impact on the landscape.


A motion to defer the application to consider alternative sites was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To DEFER the application to allow the Officers and the Applicant to consider alternative sites and other improvements.



Cllr David Chapman left the meeting at 12:17pm





11/05/2018 - Full Application - Rear two storey extension and replacement garage. Keys House, Lime Kiln Road, Butterton ref: 638    APPROVED (In accordance with officer recommendation)

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 11/05/2018 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 06/06/2018

Effective from: 11/05/2018


The Planning Officer introduced the report.


The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was moved and seconded.


Members considered the application would be more acceptable if the gables were of a similar size to the original to avoid the proposed extension detracting from the appearance of the property.


The motion for refusal was put to the vote and carried.





To  REFUSE the application for the following reasons:


1.         By virtue of its massing and design the proposed two storey rear extension would detract from the appearance of the dwellinghouse and would fail to preserve the character of the Butterton Conservation Area, contrary to policies LC4, LH4, and LC5.



11/05/2018 - Full Application - Proposed outbuilding to create garden store. The Cottage, Congreave Lane, PIilhough, Stanton-in-Peak. ref: 644    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 11/05/2018 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 06/06/2018

Effective from: 11/05/2018


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:


·         Ian Mortimor, on behalf of the Parish Council – Objector

·         Sue Fogg - Objector



Members raised concerns regarding the over development of the property, but it was considered that the building would be in keeping with the immediate surroundings and wider locality.


The Officer recommendation to approve the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:



1.           The development hereby permitted shall be begun within 3 years from the date of this permission.


2.           The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted drawing number 1781-200 and subject to the following conditions.


3.           The roof shall be clad with natural blue slate to match the existing dwelling.


4.           All new stonework shall be in natural gritstone, faced, coursed and pointed to match the existing dwelling.



5.           All door frames shall be recessed a minimum of 100mm from the external face of the wall.


6.           All door openings shall be provided with natural gritstone



7.           The external doors shall be of timber construction and vertically boarded.



8.           The timber finish shall be coloured a Stone Grey (RAL 7030).


9.        All pipework other than rainwater goods shall be internal within the   building.


10.          The rooflights shall be fitted flush with the roofslope.


11.                     The building hereby approved shall not be used for any other purposes than a garden store ancillary to the main dwelling (The Cottage).


12.     Prior to the store being erected, the existing timber shed shall be dismantled and permanently removed from the site.


13.      Remove permitted development rights for further ancillary buildings, gates, fences, walls or other means of boundary enclosure.



Cllr Judith Twigg left the meeting at 12.30pm and returned at 12.35pm but did not take part in the discussion of this item


Cllr Judith Twigg left the meeting at 12.45pm



11/05/2018 - Full Application - Siting of one shepherd hut for use as holiday accommodation and associated works at 9 Avenue Close, Stoney Middleton. ref: 639    REFUSED (In accordance with officer recommendation)

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 11/05/2018 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 06/06/2018

Effective from: 11/05/2018


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report.



The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:


·         Ms Caroline McIntyre, Agent


The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was moved and seconded.


Members discussed that although there was limited landscape impact and parking where it was proposed to be sited,, introducing a commercial development to a domestic garden setting was not ideal.


The motion for refusal was put to the vote and carried.




To  REFUSE the application for the following reasons:


1.         The proposal is unacceptable in principle as it amounts to the creation of a new holiday let dwelling in a permanently sited ‘Shepherds Hut’ type caravan in the rear garden of an existing dwelling. The proposal is therefore contrary to the policies of the development plan including Core Strategy Policy RT3 and Local Plan policy LR3.


2.         The materials and general design do not reflect that of the original dwelling or the National Park’s local building traditions. Therefore the proposal is not considered to be of a high quality design or detailing. The proposal is incongruous in this domestic setting and wholly contrary to the design policies of the development plan. The site is open to public view from the nearby footpath to the north of the site and would detract from the character of the original dwelling and the established character of the area and the National Park’s Landscape. The proposal is therefore contrary to the policies of the development plan including Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP3, L1, RT3 and Local Plan Policy, , LR3 as well as the Authority’s ‘Design Guide’, ‘Detailed Design Guide for Alterations and Extensions’ and the National Planning Policy Framework.


3.         There is no off street parking available to the property. The proposal will generate the need for an additional parking space. The policies of the development plan require adequate parking space and no more and seek to protect residential amenity and the living conditions of communities. The representations and consultation responses that have been received suggest that residents experience difficulty parking already. This demonstrates that there is clearly pressure for the existing parking spaces. The proposal will add further pressure for parking to the existing situation and this is likely to cause an amenity issue for the residents in this community. The proposal is therefore contrary to Core Strategy Policies GSP3, RT3, T7 and Local Plan Policies, LR3, LT11 and the ‘Design Guide’ paras 5.7-5.9 and the National Planning Policy Framework.