Voting record Voting record Programmes and Resources Committee, Friday 15th May 2020 10.00 am Item: Green Lanes in the Peak District (A7622/SAS) Test: Resolution status:Rejected VotingCouncillorVote Mr Zahid Hamid Against James Berresford For Councillor Jason Atkin For Charlotte Farrell For Councillor Chris Furness For Professor Janet Dugdale For Gill Heath For Councillor Andrew McCloy Against Councillor Colin McLaren Against Virginia Priestley Against Councillor Peter Tapping Against Councillor Robert Walker Against Yvonne Witter Against Becki Woods Against
Voting record Programmes and Resources Committee, Friday 15th May 2020 10.00 am Item: Green Lanes in the Peak District (A7622/SAS) Test: Resolution status:Rejected VotingCouncillorVote Mr Zahid Hamid Against James Berresford For Councillor Jason Atkin For Charlotte Farrell For Councillor Chris Furness For Professor Janet Dugdale For Gill Heath For Councillor Andrew McCloy Against Councillor Colin McLaren Against Virginia Priestley Against Councillor Peter Tapping Against Councillor Robert Walker Against Yvonne Witter Against Becki Woods Against