Agenda and minutes


Meetings of the Authority and its Committees usually take place at our main offices at Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, however when necessary meetings may take place at venues other than Aldern House. Details of the venues will be given on the agendas for the meetings when they are published. Our meetings are open to the public but please note that sometimes space is limited and priority given to those participating in the meeting. The meetings will be broadcast live via YouTube and available to view after the meeting via our website. Live meetings and recordings can be viewed using the following link. Recordings are held for 3 years from the date of the meeting:

View live and historical meetings on YouTube

If you wish to make represesentations at a meeting you should contact before 12 noon on the Wednesday before the meeting.

Please get in touch if you need more information.

Venue: The Board Room, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell

Contact: Democratic and Legal Support Team 

Note: Since publication of the Agenda on 28 June the report of the Appointment Process Panel has been amended to reflect changes in the preferences of Members. The amended report is published below. 

No. Item


Chair's Announcements



Election of Authority Chair & Deputy Chair (A.111/JS) pdf icon PDF 79 KB

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Following the appointment of the Chair and Deputy Chair, Cllr Mrs L Roberts vacated the Chair and Cllr A McCloy presided over the rest of the meeting.


In taking the Chair Cllr McCloy thanked the Authority for appointing him and thanked Cllr Mrs Roberts for her leadership over the past 4 years. As a former Chair of the Authority Cllr A Favel also spoke to commend Cllr Mrs Roberts on how she had Chaired the Authority and represented all National Park Authorities at a national level. He also welcomed Cllr McCloy to his new role and wished him well.



Minutes of previous meeting held on 25th May 2018 pdf icon PDF 94 KB



Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.



Report Of The Member Appointment Process Panel - Appointment Of Committee Chairs And Vice-Chairs, Annual Appointments To Committees, Sub-Committees, Panels and Advisory Groups, Member Representatives and Outside Bodies (A.111/ JS) pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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The meeting was adjourned from 11.30am to 11.35am during consideration of this item.



Independent Review of the Members Allowances Scheme pdf icon PDF 92 KB

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Cllr Mrs C Howe and Cllr C McLaren left at 12.30pm during consideration of this item.



Members' Attendance Annual Return (JS) pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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Calendar of Meetings 2019 (A.111/RC) pdf icon PDF 71 KB

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AGM Minutes - Appendix 1 - Outside Body Member Appointments July 2018 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

AGM Minutes - Appendix 2 - 2019 Meeting Schedule pdf icon PDF 40 KB