Agenda and minutes


Meetings of the Authority and its Committees usually take place at our main offices at Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, however when necessary meetings may take place at venues other than Aldern House. Details of the venues will be given on the agendas for the meetings when they are published. Our meetings are open to the public but please note that sometimes space is limited and priority given to those participating in the meeting. The meetings will be broadcast live via YouTube and available to view after the meeting via our website. Live meetings and recordings can be viewed using the following link. Recordings are held for 3 years from the date of the meeting:

View live and historical meetings on YouTube

If you wish to make represesentations at a meeting you should contact before 12 noon on the Wednesday before the meeting.

Please get in touch if you need more information.

Venue: The Board Room, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell

Contact: Democratic & Legal Support Team  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of previous meeting 9 January 2015 pdf icon PDF 104 KB


The minutes of the last meeting of the Local Joint Committee on 9 January 2015 were approved as a correct record subject to the following amendment:


11/15 change the word “consider” to “considered”


Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Employee Engagement Improvement Action Plan (June 2015/TR) pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Corporate Resources introduced this report on behalf of the Head of Human Resources who was unable to attend the meeting.


Some of the actions in Appendix 1 were to be updated. Four priorities had been identified for 2015/16 and following a discussion at management team on proposed actions against these priorities, the Director would discuss with both Staff Committee and UNISON representatives by the end of Quarter 1. The position on theme 6 had not changed since the last Quarter 2, therefore there was no further update to give.


Members queried whether staff concern about job security was a significant element of the negative trend in staff feedback on feeling valued. The Director observed that this is a reality for the whole of the public sector and can only be managed rather than alleviated. However, the leadership team was committed to trying to make an impact to improve in the priority areas including engaging all managers in supporting staff through the change process.


Members suggested that another full staff survey should be undertaken this year but officers said there were insufficient resources to do this - Instead, a targeted mini survey by DoodlePoll or SurveyMonkey would be considered in the next 6 months.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That work to progress the Employee Engagement Improvement Action Plan is endorsed.


Safety Officers Annual Report 2014 (JW/2014) pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


The Safety Officer noted one amendment to the report, that the Health and Safety Committee had met earlier in the week and had therefore been able to comment on the Annual Report.


The officer gave examples of improvements to good practice that had been made in managing identified risks. One improvement was the use of traffic light coloured tags for pieces of equipment and machinery, which gave users details of risk assessments relating to vibration and specific warnings about the items. Most equipment was categorised under orange. There was evidence that staff were taking health and safety issues seriously and all significant risks had been addressed.


A Health and Safety briefing for Members was being prepared.. Training for the senior management team was to be discussed by the Safety Officer, the Chief Executive and the Director of Corporate Resources.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That the Safety Officer’s Annual Report is approved.


Staff Committee Activity Report : November 2014 – May 2015 pdf icon PDF 72 KB


The Chair of Staff Committee introduced the report and confirmed that Staff Committee would be involved in working collaboratively with the senior management team in developing the employee involvement action plan. Staff Committee would also have input into the financial planning work being done by management team.


Members were invited to join the Staff Committee walk on Thursday 25 June that would follow the staff roadshow at Edale. The Chair would send out invitations to all Members and also check whether Members could join the cycle to work scheme.


A treasure hunt and walk later in the summer was being considered by Staff Committee in the week beginning 22 June, details of which would follow.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the report be noted.


Unison Activity Report to June 2015 (JBSA) pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The UNISON representative reported that UNISON’s position as the recognised negotiating body for the Authority’s staff is now enshrined in the new agreement and the reps were now involved in numerous issues and meetings. Following the recent staff roadshow, UNISON representatives would be feeding staff views back to the management team.


A busy and possibly difficult period of activity was anticipated.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That the report be noted.