Outside body

Stanage Forum Steering Group


PDNPA Lead Officer – Hannah Turner, Head of Assets and Enterprise.

Meets approximately 6 times per year.

The Authority appoints one Member representative to this Steering Group.

Stanage & North Lees are managed by the National Park Authority in partnership with Stanage Forum which represents the views of the many and diverse users of the Estate. The steering group is made up of representatives of the different user groups and is the main decision making body.

The forum was set up in 2000 and over a period of 2 years was involved in the production of the Management Plan for the Estate (2002-2012). This was recognised as ground breaking and the first example of a management plan for a public property being produced in partnership with the user groups rather than in consultation with them.

In Spring 2014 the National Park Authority worked with all stakeholders and the forum to produce a new Vision for the Estate based on the four themes of Landscape, People, Connections and Resources. The process involved the collection of views on the Estate and the issues which were felt to be most significant.

More information can be found on the Authority’s website via the following link: 

Stanage & North Lees Forum: Peak District National Park


Contact information

Hannah Turner - Lead Officer
Neil Porter - Chair of Forum

Our representatives