Cllr Linda Grooby

Profile image for Cllr Linda Grooby

Appointment method: Councillor appointed by a constituent council

Appointing Authority: Derbyshire County Council

Other Members appointed by this Appointing Authority:

Contact information

Home address: 
11 Southcroft
Carlisle Road
SK17 6XE

Mobile:  07870 652293


Download Cllr Linda Grooby contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 31/05/2024 - 31/05/2025

Additional Information

I am a member of the Development Control Committee for Derbyshire County Council.  I am a member of the Climate Change Working Group.  I spent many years of my working life working in quarries with a focus on health and safety and compliance with policy.


I have lived in Derbyshire most of my life.  I value the beauty of my surroundings.  I am a member of a local walking group, enabling me to enjoy the local countryside.  I am fully aware that we must protect it for the future.


I am a member of the National Trust.