Committee details
Programmes and Resources Committee
Purpose of committee
The Programmes and Resources Committee meets approximately 5 times per year. Meetings are usually held on a Friday at 10am at Aldern House, Bakewell. Meetings may be held at other venues if required. Agendas and reports are published 5 working days before the meeting. Meetings can take up to 3 hours and can be either shorter or longer depending on the business on the agenda. Meetings are always in person.
The Authority appoints Members to the Programmes and Resources Committee at its annual meeting each year. The membership of the Committee is currently 15 Members in total with places split between the Constituent Council appointed Members (8) and the Secretary of State appointed National and Parish Members (7).
The business of the Committee can include issues concerning programmes and projects, people management, financial resources, property and assets, information management, community and engagement, cultural heritage, landscapes and ecology, transportation and rights of way and consultation responses.
The delegation to the Programmes and Resources Committee can be viewed via the following link Delegation to Committees
- Professor Janet Dugdale (Chair)
- Charles Greaves (Vice-Chair)
- James Berresford
- Charlotte Farrell
- Andrew Gregory
- Linda Grooby
- Gill Heath
- Andy Nash
- Chris O'Leary
- Ken Rustidge
- Ken Smith
- Dr Ruth Swetnam
- Simon Thompson
- Yvonne Witter
- Becki Woods
- Amanda Martin (Boardroom Apprentice - may attend to speak but not vote)
- Patrick Brady (May attend to speak but not vote)
- Virginia Priestley (May attend to speak but not vote)
Contact information
Support officer: Customer and Democratic Support Team.
Postal address:
Aldern House
Baslow Road
DE45 1AE
Web site: