Councillor Gill Heath

Profile image for Councillor Gill Heath

Appointing Authority: Staffordshire County Council

Parish: Parish

Contact information

Home address: 
Highfield House
ST13 8SG

Phone:  01538 381601

Bus. email:

Download Councillor Gill Heath contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 06/06/2013 - 30/05/2017
  • 06/06/2017 - 30/05/2021
  • 06/06/2021 - 30/05/2025

Additional Information

I am an elected councillor for Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and Staffordshire County Council.


About Me


My husband and I are farmers who live five miles outside the National Park.  I have always had a connection with farming, having worked on my parents’ farm when I left school.


I am an elected councillor for both Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and Staffordshire County Council and also a member of the Staffordshire Police Authority.


What the national park means to me


Housing for young local people is an issue. We need to find more ways to accommodate our young people in the national park. If this happens it would, in turn, help the vibrancy of our communities and maintain our village schools.


Young people would not have to travel from the towns to work on farms, which would benefit the environment. This is a major issue at local, regional and national levels.


I understand the wish to see an increase in tourism but this has to be balanced by protection of the national park.


Membership of outside bodies


In my role as a Staffordshire county councillor I am a member of the following:


Representative on the Campaign for Rural England

Member of the Derby and Derbyshire Economic Partnership rural action group

Member of the Local Government Association Rural Commission

Member of the Rudyard Lake Trust board of trustees

Staffordshire Police Authority