Committee details

Governance Review Working Group Information

Purpose of committee

The Authority established a Governance Review Working Group in 2018 with terms of reference agreed to undertake a review of the governance arrangements of the Authority in so far as they relate to the making of decisions by both Members and Officers.  The Working Group makes recommendations to the Authority meeting.


The original Governance Review Working Group made 2 reports to the Authority in May 2019 and May 2020.  Appointments continued to be made to this Working Group at the annual Authority meeting to enable it to consider any issues occurring as necessary.


In 2023 a number of issues were identified as needing consideration by the Working Group and meetings were arranged starting in December 2023.  The topics currently being considered are:


·         Standing Orders

·         Role of Members

·         Member Champions

·         Public Participation

·         Audit, Budget and Project Monitoring

·         Cycle of Meetings

·         Committee Report Template

·         Information for Members in Advance of the Annual Meeting

·         Member Learning and Development


The Working Group develops it recommendations through discussions at its meetings, consultations via email and, where relevant, looking at examples of best practice from other National Park Authorities and our constituent councils.  The discussions centre around visibility, being transparent and officers and members working in partnership.  They also include using the Members Forum more effectively to enable Members to be more aware of work streams before being asked to make decisions at Authority and Committee meetings.

