Councillor Virginia Priestley

Profile image for Councillor Virginia  Priestley

Role: Vice Chair of Planning

Appointment method: Parish Member appointed by the Secretary of State

Appointing Authority: Parish Member Appointed by Secretary of State

Other Members appointed by this Appointing Authority:

Parish: Parish

Contact information

Home address: 
Lydgate Bungalow
Ashopton Road
Hope Valley
S33 0AZ

Bus. email:

Download Councillor Virginia Priestley contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 28/06/2019 - 28/06/2023
  • 30/06/2023 - 31/05/2027

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

I am a member of Bamford with Thornhill Parish Council, with a farming background and have lived in the Peak Park for most of my life.  My working life has meant travelling widely throughout the UK into both areas of great beauty and to other areas such as inner cities and I can understand how people want to spend their leisure in the countryside.  I have been heavily involved in the organisation of Hope Show and have a lot of appreciation of the constraints that the farming community have to work with in current times.


My strong belief is that this area of great beauty and interest is best protected when we all work together to respect the needs of both the local residents and business people, particularly farmers.  The large numbers of people visiting the area brings its own challenges, importantly we must ensure we protect the very beauty that they are coming to visit and enjoy.