Agenda and minutes


Meetings of the Authority and its Committees usually take place at our main offices at Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, however when necessary meetings may take place at venues other than Aldern House. Details of the venues will be given on the agendas for the meetings when they are published. Our meetings are open to the public but please note that sometimes space is limited and priority given to those participating in the meeting. The meetings will be broadcast live via YouTube and available to view after the meeting via our website. Live meetings and recordings can be viewed using the following link. Recordings are held for 3 years from the date of the meeting:

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If you wish to make represesentations at a meeting you should contact before 12 noon on the Wednesday before the meeting.

Please get in touch if you need more information.

Venue: Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell. View directions


No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 26th January 2024 pdf icon PDF 315 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 26 January 2024 were approved as a correct record subject to the following amendments:-


Minute number 6/24 Paragraph 2 of AMP 8 2025-30 Landscape Scale Peakland Restoration – “Members welcomed the report and asked that they be provided with 4 or 5 key pieces of data on the projects “should have read “Members welcomed the report and asked that they be provided with 4 or 5 key performance indicators that show the outcomes of the projects”.





Urgent Business


One item under Urgent Business had been received.  It was agreed to consider this under Part B, Exempt Information, agenda item 11 for the following reason:


This report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information) and is exempt information under paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972.


The report contains information relating to individuals and is exempt information under paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972. 


Public Participation

To note any questions or to receive any statements, representations, deputations and petitions which relate to the published reports on Part A of the Agenda.


No members of the public had given notice to make representations at the meeting.


Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


MFFP - Business Strategy and Annual Business Plan pdf icon PDF 322 KB

Additional documents:


Matt Scott-Campbell, Conservation and Land Management Programme Manager in the Moors For The Future Partnership, was present for this report. 


Matt gave a presentation to Members updating them on the current work of the MFFP including new techniques that are being trialled.  There is a diverse blend of finance within the programme, including grants, private sector funding and green financing.  In the past year Volunteers have been a big part of delivery for planting sphagnum moss.  In the next year looking to undergo more survey work and planning ahead of the following 5-year period (2025-2030). 


The Science & Research programme is continuing, the data collected underpins all that is done and runs alongside the capital programme.  Monitoring is on-going to identify the impact of interventions.  Looking to implement a sphagnum trial to identify the optimum placement of sphagnum.


Communication and Engagement remains an important area of work.  A conference in September is being planned the focus being Green Finance and what role Green Finance can have in helping to restore the bogs.


Business Development continues to receive significant interest from the private and corporate sector who are looking at ways to align the corporate and social governance programmes.  The team is working hard to build these relationships. 


Cllr Priestley, Chair of the Strategic Advisory Board for MFFP, made the point that it is very important to plan well into the future in able to secure the funding and to maintain the knowledge base within the MFFP as there is growing competition in this area.


There was a question from the Members about the Volunteers that have been working with the partnership.  MFFP is integrated with colleagues across the Authority.  Previously the partnership has been reliant on Contractors for the work.  Now with sphagnum moss planting this is relatively straight forward for volunteers to deliver and can represent “the value in kind” which can be used for matched grant funding.


Cllr Brady joined the meeting


Funding targets up to 2031 were discussed and how realistic these targets are.  Matt explained that there is a more diverse funding picture which is more complex but gives more opportunities.  Emerging markets are being watched and the funding trends anticipated so that ideas can be submitted early. 


There was a question regarding how the funding and interventions can be scaled up to meet the targets set by the Climate Change Committee.  Matt explained the progress made so far, most of the areas are roughly half way to where they want to be in getting the peat lands working again.  There is still a need to intervene at pace and scale and aiming to work intensively on the landscape to accelerate the landscape recovery. 


There are mirror images of MFFP up and down the Pennine chain.  MFFP were one of the lead authorities for the Great North Bog which runs from the bottom of the Pennine chain to the Scottish Borders and the same restoration work is carried out by all of the organisations.




Three recommendations as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16/24


Welcoming Place Aim Overview pdf icon PDF 414 KB

Additional documents:


Suzanne Fletcher, Head of Landscape & Engagement, Andy Farmer, Ranger Team Manager and Lorna Fisher, Engagement Manager were present for this item to update Members on the Aim 3 of the Management Plan - Welcoming Place and to give highlights and mention key issues. 


Suzanne began the presentation to Members to highlight the key issues for the committee to consider. 


It was noted that there is a deterioration in the condition of the Rights of Way Network due to reduced funding, increased usage and more severe weather events which is set to continue. Consequently, there is an impact on nature and an increase in the economic impact of tourism and the way that people enjoy the landscape. We have identified a list of priority routes and access for all. 


Lorna spoke about how the team is engaging with people and supporting their access to nature and responsible visiting. 


Andy spoke about the Ranger and Access team and how the team sits between Place, Visitor and Resident. 


Both Andy and Lorna stressed how important the work of the Volunteers is and how it underpins the work of their teams and is fundamental to the work they do. 


The Members noted how the role of rangers is invaluable and what a fantastic job the rangers do.  It is good to see the work that is being done with schools.  Members asked about the work of “Peak District Proud” and whether this initiative has served its purpose.  This was launched just before Covid and has not received the expected traction and will needed to be reviewed with partners.  There appears to be some confusion amongst the public regarding the message from this initiative and the name of the initiative.  The idea of the word “proud” would be that you are proud of the place and take pride in looking after the National Park.


There was concern over the lack of funding available for the Rights Of Way (ROW) network and how this is a red flag and may discourage visitors.  Conversations are taking place with constituent authorities over funding.  The PDNPA needs to lobby DCC so that funding to footpaths is not reduced.  Members were encouraged to raise the subject of funding for ROW with their constituent authorities. 


Cllr Nash left the room during consideration of this item.


It was suggested that the Peak Park does not always present the positive work that is done and this should be explored.  The Members welcome the idea of the Recreation Hub and how this will work at Dovedale and Ilam where clear objectives are needed and the impacts and ambition for this area studied. Hopefully will then get a template that can be applied to other sites.  


The PDNPA needs to be able to articulate what success looks like in the “Welcoming Place Aim” and there is more work to be done especially on Sustainable Tourism. 


There is an increasing amount of issues in the media regarding the balance between conservation and food production and where  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17/24

11.17am Cllr Nash re-joined the meeting


Thriving Communities Theme Update pdf icon PDF 222 KB


Brian Taylor, Head of Planning was present for this item to inform Members about the Authority’s progress since July 2023 with respect to the Aims and Objectives of the National Park Management Plan Aim 4 in relation to Thriving Communities and what this means for the future.


Brian gave a presentation to Members that covered the key issues which may need decisions in the future and some updates on a couple of initiatives. 


·         The Local Plan is progressing and in the last stage of finalising the draft Issues and Options document.  The team is about to lose one of the Policy Planners and this position may be hard to recruit to. 


  • It was noted that Derbyshire Dales District Council have approved the initiative to double council tax for owners of second homes in Derbyshire Dales.  The Government has now committed to creating a new use class and associated permitted development rights change of use to short term holiday lets - there is a mechanism called “Article 4 Direction” which the Authority would be allowed to use to remove such rights if deemed necessary.  It was noted that High Peak have also agreed the 100% uplift for second homes. This item may be included in the Essential Member Training in Planning later in the year.  


·         Sustainable Travel – there is a need to align ourselves with our partner authorities of which there are 6 transport authorities in the area. Brian highlighted a number of possible projects suggested by the Sustainable Transport Officer. 


·         Affordable Housing – challenges to delivery were mentioned.  There has been joint working with DDDC and progress has been good.


·         Some examples of the impact of the Shared Prosperity Fund were shared with the Members. 


·         Project Gigabit – this is a commitment from the Government to roll out full fibre broadband across the area. 


Following the presentation Members were then given the opportunity to ask questions.


Cllr Gregory mentioned that his wife owns 2 holiday cottages and therefore he Declared an Interest in this agenda item and abstained from any vote.


Cllr O’Leary also own a holiday let on his farm and therefore also Declared and Interest in this agenda item and abstained from any vote.


Members were concerned that there was no reference to the farming community/ agricultural businesses and the risk to this community from the reduction in the Basic Payment System.  Brian mentioned that the Authority is exploring routes to sustainable farming and bring in a new model for both the housing and business side of farming. 


Local Plan – Officers are aware of new regulations coming into operation from June 2025 which may impact on the work programme for the Local Plan Review. It may not be possible to submit a new plan prior to this date but as yet there is no clarity on the detail of new regulations.  While there is some risk that additional work may be needed officers recommended that it was better to maintain progress with the current Issues and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18/24

This was Cllr Fryer's last meeting with the PDNPA and he was thanked for his service.






That the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of agenda items No’s 10 and 11 to avoid the disclosure of Exempt Information under S100 (A) (4) Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, paragraph 1 “information relating to any individual’ and paragraph 3 “ information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person( including the authority holding that information)”.


Exempt minutes from 26 January 2024




The exempt minutes of the previous meeting held on 26th January 2024 were approved as a correct record.




The Committee determined the following item, full details of which are contained in the exempt minutes:





New Cleaning Contract for all PDNPA Sites