Mike Chaplin

Appointment method: Councillor appointed by a constituent council
Appointing Authority: Sheffield City Council
Parish: Parish
More information about this member
Contact information
Home address:
280 Fox Hill Road
S6 1BH
Bus. phone: 0114 273 5380
Mobile: 07789 549790
Email: mike.chaplin@peakdistrict.gov.uk
Download Mike Chaplin contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
- Appeals Panel
- Essential Member Training
- Local Joint Committee
- National Park Authority
- Planning Committee
Terms of Office
- 17/05/2018 - 31/05/2019
- 31/05/2019 - 18/06/2021
- 08/06/2022 - 31/05/2027
Appointments to outside bodies
Additional Information
I am an elected member of Sheffield City Council for Southey Ward in the Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough Division. I live just outside the National Park Boundary in Sheffield and am a postal worker.
Since I first went youth hostelling and walking in the Peak District in 1976 I have visited several locations that are part of our cultural heritage. Together with my family I have enjoyed many recreational and other activities over the years.
I am an elected Representative Trustee to SOAR Community Board.